
Our Science Curriculum is based on four principles: Child-led learning, Hands-on activities, Inspiring lessons and Purposeful learning.

In order to achieve these aims, our learning is practical and conversation driven where the children can express their learning in a variety of different ways. This ensures that nothing stops our children’s potential when it comes to science.

We have an enquiry-based approach where children aim to answer questions. Children learn throughout our school that there are 5 main ways in which scientists answer questions and each year the children will have the opportunity to use these approaches across their science learning.

The enquiry types are:

● Observations over time,
● Identifying, classifying and grouping,
● Comparative and fair testing,
● Research
● Pattern seeking

Working scientifically is an important skill that will be built upon during children’s years at Curledge Street. Children will learn to predict, take careful observations, measure accurately, explain what their results show, question the accuracy of their results and learn to draw conclusions about a scientific topic using their results as evidence.

Science knowledge will be covered through the teaching of The National Curriculum for Science which is covered throughout KS1 and KS2 at Curledge Street.

Science in the early years is taught indirectly through the well resourced indoor and outdoor environments and through adult interactions with children. The EYFS framework ‘Understanding the World’ alongside the Development Matters and Birth to 5 Matters guidance supports practitioners to encourage children to think scientifically – explore, problem solve, observe, predict, make decisions and talk about the world around them.