
Read Write Inc Phonics

Being able to read is the most important skill a student will learn. Reading has far reaching implications for lifelong confidence and well-being. We are aware that learning to read is challenging for some of our pupils. An independent review of reading undertaken by the government concluded that,

“High quality phonic work should be the prime means for teaching students to read.”
Sir Jim Rose, The Rose Review of Reading 2006.

With this in mind, we launched Read, Write Inc. in  2011. Read, Write Inc. is a synthetic phonic program that provides a systematic approach to teaching reading, writing and spelling. Read, Write Inc. is fully compatible with the broad and rich curriculum available at our school.

Read, Write Inc. gives us:

  • Systematic, structured teaching
  • Using simultaneous visual, auditory and kinaesthetic processes
  • Clear importance of speaking and listening
  • Encouragement of collaborative working
  • Clear role for parents/carers

To learn more about Read, Write Inc. you can visit their website at:  www.readwriteinc.com


At Curledge Street Academy we are passionate about creating writing across all genres.

To produce the best quality writing we use ‘Book Writes, teaching sequences and texts that teach’. We use an exciting text as a basis which children will learn. They then have opportunities to practice their writing and the unit ends with an independent piece.

See below for the texts we use in each year group across the school.

Year 1

Year 2

Year 3

Year 4

Year 5

Year 6


Handwriting Policy September 2023


We use the Read Write inc spelling books to support children in learning spelling patterns in years 2-6. If your child is currently in the Read Write inc phonics program or Fresh Start they will be doing daily spellings practise in those session.

If you would like further information please follow the link below. 


Accelerated Reader

Children from Years 3 – 6, participate in the Accelerated Reader programme.

More information for parents can be found by clicking on the link below:

Accelerated Reader

CSA Reading Spine Progression – 2024-25

CSA Guided Reading Progression 2024-25