School Uniform

These items can be purchased from Riviera Schooldays in Torquay:

186 Union Street

Tel: 01803 293650

Uniform can be purchased and collected from the Riviera Schooldays shop, ordered online and delivered to school for collection free of charge or sent to your home address for a small postal charge.


Purchase uniform online via:

Second hand uniform: We have an in school second hand uniform shop. If parents wish to enquire about this please contact the school and ask for Mrs Lane or Mrs Dimeck to arrange collection.



3/4 years£9.40
5/6 years, 7/8  years, 9/10 years, 11/12 years£9.15
13 years£9.15


3/4 years, 5/6 years, 7/8 years


9/10 years, 11/12 years


PE Tops with School Logo    £6.00

Book Bags       £4.30

P.E. Bags       £4.15