We are open every morning from 8am. We serve hot or cold breakfast until 8.20am, including cereals, toast, or muffins with a variety of spreads. Fruit juices are also available.
We aim to provide a variety of activities for children attending Breakfast Club. These include board games, construction activities, arts and crafts and team games.
Due to the success of Breakfast Club, advanced bookings should be made 48-hours in advance via Parentpay.
Costs for Breakfast Club are £2.50 per child.
For more details please ask at reception.
Breakfast club for Nursery children
Provision within our nurseries can also start from 8am with breakfast provided if required. For parents in receipt of 15 or 30 hours funded provision, this can be used as part of their child’s weekly hours and any additional hours beyond these will be paid at a rate of £4.25 per hour for Penguins (2 year olds) and £4.00 per hour for Seals (3 year olds). Nursery leaders are able to provide further information.